Carter Litchfield history of fatty materials collections

About this collection

    As an organic chemist, Carter Litchfield (1932-2007) studied and specialized in edible fats. Over the course of his career, Litchfield built a substantial collection about the history of fats and fatty materials.
    This collection now form our Carter Litchfield collection on the history of fatty materials (Accession 2007.227), containing his collection of photographs and ephemera, and our Carter Litchfield collection on the history of fatty materials (Accession 2413), containing works related to his research and publication activities.
    This digital collection is a curated selection of items from these collections, which have not been fully digitized, and primarily includes paper ephemera and trade catalogs. There are also items relating to the Prussian chemist, Julius Lewkowitsch (1857-1913), whose collection Litchfield acquired.
    Image: Fairchild and Shelton's Ozone Soap trade card. Click here to view.

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